Sheena Thomson Consulting today announces the launch of its climate information platform, in collaboration with GeollectTM, a geospatial intelligence technology company.
Available on desktop, the platform overlays historical and projected air, precipitation, and CO2 data on to a geospatial map. Data can be viewed by country and region, as well as by selected cities. This single platform provides multiple data sets key to understanding the climatic past and is a tool for leaders and decision-makers managing the current threats and opportunities, as well as planning the future. Predictions and models are available on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios.
While the world still grapples with the immediate priorities and challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, climate change and environmental damage is the number 1 long term risk to organisations, according to the Federation of European Risk Managers Association (FERMA). Extreme weather is the number three risk. There are also increasing political, legal, and societal pressures that are accelerating the speed at which climate-related risks, threats and opportunities are being incorporated into business strategies, boardroom agendas and operational practices:
- UK central government commitment to the Paris Agreement, to make the UK carbon neutral by 2050 and the recent 10-point Green Industrial Revolution announcement
- UK Government Green Finance Strategy and Clean Growth Strategy
- Shift in US climate change policy and international focus following the recent US elections
- Five-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement and UK’s hosting of COP26 in November 2021
- Directors’ and Officers’ responsibilities: sector-specific environmental impact reporting and statutory duties related to polluting activities and the long-term impact of decisions
- HM Treasury’s Task Force for Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) recently published an interim report and roadmap and policy announcing climate-related financial risks to be mandatory by 2025, with more sector-specific direction expected, e.g. the automotive industry
- Corporate: activism and advancing environmental, social and governance (ESG) into mainstream business strategy
- Green finance and investment: clients increasingly demand net-zero investments, which impacts asset management, banking, and the insurance sector
- Consumer: purpose-led consumer behaviour is shifting to more sustainable ways of living
The climate information platform has been developed to assist leaders and anyone who is involved in decision-making, ESG/sustainability policymaking, risk management or wider engagement, with the transition to a more sustainable future. To view the platform on your desktop, please click on this link:
About Sheena Thomson Consulting
Sheena Thomson Consulting is a boutique, global, crisis and issues management consultancy founded in 2018. We provide clients with expertise, counsel, operational support, and guidance to plan for the best outcomes when faced with risk, challenges, opportunities, and unexpected or complex events.
Our highly experienced team comes mainly from the military and civilian public service sector, augmented with solid consulting experience. We understand both the challenges and opportunities of any transition: several of us have high-level experience guiding leaders through the most challenging transitions in post-conflict settings.
Typically, we work closely with leadership, operations, risk management, business continuity, communications, legal, and executive functions. We work in a number of high-risk areas, but we have a special interest in climate change, which is increasingly impacting physical, transition, and liability risks.
Sheena Thomson Consulting is the trading name for Conduit Associates.
Geollect is a machine learning and intelligence technology company founded in 2017 by former Royal Navy and US Government intelligence officers, Richard and Cate Gwillam. The company’s mission is to empower clients to make faster, more accurate and informed decisions though harnessing geospatial data and military intelligence analytic capabilities.
We use an intelligence-led approach blended with academic data science methods and automation techniques, to collect, process and map vast swathes of data. We interpret data to reveal relationships and patterns to help identify emerging risks in real-time and have a growing client base in the defence, shipping and insurance sectors.
Our custom-made dashboards empower organisations with a higher degree of clarity and confidence in real-time decision management. Our products provide clients with actionable insights.
For more information, please contact:
Sheena Thomson, Founder and Director at Sheena Thomson Consulting: +44 (0) 794 141 5524, email sheena@sheenathomson.com
Duncan Grocock, Head of Commercial Engagement, Geollect: +44 (0) 7702 757387, email duncangrocock@geollect.com